Monday, January 4, 2010

2010, Compostelan Holy Year

Since 1122, Pope Calixtus II established the Jacobean Holy Year, or Jubilee, when the feast of the Apostle Saint James, 25th. July, falls on a Sunday.
Celebrated in literature, music, art and history, this pilgrimage led to the building of hospitals and lodgings, cities and villages, and the planning of new roads, bridges, cathedrals and churches. The road became a melting pot of cultures to the spread of tendencies and ideas all over the Continent, a meeting point of peoples and languages and the supporting axis of the first European common awareness.
Nowadays the pilgrimage to Santiago represents the brotherhood between traditional and modern times within a matchless natural frame and a unique cultural heritage. There are several routes to reach Santiago de Compostela. Which one are you interested in? If you want to participate, you can get more information on this link to the official website.
From Spain, I invite you to live this enriching unforgettable experience.

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