Monday, March 30, 2020

Preparing our garden for EASTER:1st ESO, 2nd ESO and 4th ESO.

As Easter time is coming closer, I'd like to share some ideas to create Easter decoration from recycled materials to decorate our school garden.

This is the only activity I'm going to ask you to do during this week. 
This task is compulsory and you must take it with you when we come back to school. 
Para todos los cursos: incluid vocabulario de los materiales y herramientas que se usan.
1st ESO: usad presente simple, imperativos, can, must y should. 
2nd ESO: usad imperativos, presentes simple y continuo, must/have to y conectores de secuencia: first, second, next, then, after that, finally.
4th ESO: además de imperativos, conectores de distintos tipos y modales, se deben incluir oraciones compuestas(de relativo y condicionales) además de pasiva.

After finishing your design, make a video explaining the materials you used, the steps you followed and take a picture of the result. Send everything to my email.

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